PTO Finances

2024-2025 Budget

Coming Soon

2023 - 2024 Results

Look what we did! We’re thrilled to share the incredible results of last school year’s efforts. Thanks to your support, we accomplished great things! Your generosity equals success!

Full 2023-2024 Results

Reimbursement/Check Request Form

If you are a PTO committee member, please follow these instructions for the following requests:

To Be Reimbursed: Please submit a completed Reimbursement/Check Request Form with receipts attached to the Treasurer’s mailbox located in Perry Hill within 30 days of the event. Sales tax can not be reimbursed.

Request An Invoice To Be Paid With A Check: Please submit a completed Reimbursement/Check Request Form with invoice attached to the Treasurer’s mailbox located in Perry Hill at least two weeks before the due date.

If you are a Perry Hill Teacher wishing to be reimbursed for your teacher allowance, please submit a completed Reimbursement/Check Request Form with your receipts attached to the Treasurer’s mailbox located in Perry Hill. Sales tax can not be reimbursed.

Reimbursement/Check Request Form 2024-2025

The PTO President must approve all requests, and those approved requests will be completed within 10 business days.